Keeping in mind the constantly changing and volatile environment under which companies operate, compliance reviews and risk mitigation activities are the need of the hour. We conducts compliance reviews, investigates frauds and misconducts and helps quantify and measure the financial impact of these. We conducts audits in line with the guidelines laid down by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and the generally accepted audit and accounting principles. Services include conduct of Statutory Audit, Tax Audit, Internal Audit and Transfer Pricing Audit among others.
Statutory audit
Audit to determine whether an organization is providing a fair and accurate representation of its financial position, as required under the statute, accounting standards and guidelines issued by the Regulator.
Tax audit
Auditing in accordance with the provisions of the income tax laws of India and provide disclosures through specified formats.
Transfer pricing audits
Transfer pricing is the term used to describe inter-company pricing arrangements related to transactions between associated, controlled or related entities. These can include transfers of intellectual property, tangible goods, services, and loans or other financing transactions. UJA audit ensures the appropriateness of the price set by the client for goods and services sold between controlled (or related) legal entities within an enterprise.
Internal audit
We implement a “risk based” internal audit approach through definition of-n. Process understanding. Risk based process audit. Financial, operational and compliance risk assessment. Control gap assessment. Assisting the management in implementing a cost effective remediation plan. Re-assessing the remediation for effective implementation. Business process re-engineering and implementation. SOP compliance and writing
Management and operational audit
It is a systematic review of effectiveness, efficiency and economy of operation requested by the management for reviewing special purpose accounts, cost centre audit, operational functions (Purchase, Sale, Inventory, Fixed Assets etc.) with an object to improve overall efficiency of the organisation.
Process audit
A process audit is an examination of results to determine whether the activities, resources and employees performance have being managed efficiently and effectively.
Internal Financial Control over Financial Reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statement for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the adequacy of the internal financial controls system over financial reporting and their operating effectiveness.
Investigative and forensic audit
Audits carried out upon request of the Management to investigate issues like suspected fraud and misappropriation. Investigation, Fraud Risk Management, License/Software Management are the core areas to be covered during this Audit.
Information systems audit
An Information Technology Audit or Information Systems Audit is an examination of the management controls within an information technology (IT) infrastructure. IT audits are also called as u0026amp; Automated Data Processing (ADP) Audits and Computer Audits.